Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today's Update:

Bulkheads Completed!

At the Rodanthe breach area, crews continued shaping the sand embankments at the S-curves to the correct elevation for the roadway. Sandbag installation was completed on the sound side at the S-curves.  Installation continues at the south end of the Pea Island breach. Crews began the fine grading of the road bed in preparation of asphalt paving later this week, weather permitting. Asphalt trucks from RPC Consulting out of Kitty Hawk are being brought over on the Stumpy Point-Rodanthe emergency ferry route beginning today. In total, approximately 100 truckloads of asphalt will use the ferry between today and Thursday, Oct. 6.

At the temporary bridge location on Pea Island, crews drove 8 piles at bent 1. Bents are substructures supporting each end of the bridge span. The driving template for the foundation at the south end of the bridge was set. An additional 52 feet of the bridge truss was assembled and the bridge was launched another 80 feet to the south.


Bridge Truss Spans

Concrete Footings

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